Polish Woman European Passport
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Polish Woman and European Passport
Some Western guys think that Polish women want to marry them to get foreign passports. While this might be the case with many a woman from former Soviet Union countries (e.g. Ukraine), there is no real reason why should a Polish woman be after your papers. In act, depending on where you are coming from, it is probably her who should worry about possibility of you having a “hidden agenda”.
Do not forget Poland is a member of European Union and as such, Polish citizens can live, work and conduct business almost anywhere in Europe.
So if you’re coming from Latin America, Africa or Asia, you’re most likely dreaming of getting a European passport. But even if you come from USA, you also may want to move to Europe. Unaffordable health-care, education for-riches-only, reduction of civil rights in recent years, and weak dollar on top of that, had all caused many American to seriously think about emigration. And what would be a better way of getting access to free medical service, free educational system and gigantic work market in Europe, than marrying a beautiful Polish woman? Especially that getting Polish citizenship is easy when compared to other European countries. And wouldn’t it be great to pass dual citizenship to your children? Hmm, a world of new opportunities has just opened in front of your eyes, hasn’t it?
Obviously if you're already from Europe, "papers" aren’t any issues - neither for her, nor for you. But do not rule out moving to Poland or at least doing business there – as a developing country Poland offers enormous business and investment opportunities. And with beautiful Polish wife on your side, nothing is impossible!
Sent by John | Chicago, USA
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url: polish_woman_european_passport.html
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